I am blessed to see inspiration for gazoz everywhere I turn, but it’s the intersection of the urban and the wild that inspires me the most. Having a rooftop or a balcony is great for growing edible plants and enjoy nature in the city and I recommend it to anyone. Growing your own is fun and there’s no match in flavor, color or scent. However, if you’re like me, there is only so much you can do before you run out space.

One day, my partner Moshe Prizmant and I discovered what looked like an abandoned lot on the grounds of a beloved synagogue in the outskirts of Tel Aviv. It was small and in desperate need of care and we immediately knew we’ve found a home for a dream garden. Moshe worked his charm and we started a collaboration with the synagogue to work on the land and enjoy its produce.

Along with the hard work of Moshe’s son the amazing Ariel, the three of us quickly got to work. The land needed clearing, cleaning, preparing the soil and eventually planting and maintaining. We planted a variety of herbs, fruit and vegetables that just keep growing. Of course it’s a small lot so most of the produce get the long fermentation treatment and end up as liquors or confitures. Some fresh herbs and flowers go to the shop and used in our gazoz drinks either fresh or lightly fermented.

Every day on the farm is full of inspiration. My favorite time of the day is sunset, sitting under the plum tree, drinking a glass of the plum wine I made from its fruit.

The garden became a small community farm where we share the work and produce.